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Ultimate G-Master Lenses For Wedding Photographers : G-Master Your Lenses

Conducted by

Mohammad Almorohen

In this seminar, eng. Mohammad Almorohen will explain the technical and artistic side for choosing the best lens for wedding shooting.

July 24, Sunday

8:00 PM - 9:30 PM

Modern Electronics - Sony La Tera Mall ,showrrom - Prince Sultan Rd , Al Zahra Jeddah ., Saudi Arabia

Workshops Description

What is the best lens? It’s One of the most common questions we hear in wedding cinematography and photography. There is no one lens that meets all the needs, and through this seminar, Eng. Mohammad Almorohen will explain the main aspects of determining the appropriate lens from the technical side and from the artistic side, in order to be able to determine the appropriate option for each job.

Who Can Attend

Cinematographers and photographers


Introduction for GM lenses and Lens physics and What really matters?

Mohammad Almorohen

Mohammad is a Saudi professional director of photography since 2008, owned his first Sony camcorder in 1996. He started his professional career path in 2006 as film editor, and then in 2008, he became a director of photography. He started conducting several training courses and workshops in cinematography, photography and editing since 2013. He was also invited to conduct seminars and lectures in universities, art colleges and cultural centers.