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Step into the Future: Creative Portraits x ESLSCA

Conducted by

Abdel Rahman Gabr-(Koree)

Koree will be doin a live demonstration of a creative shoot and will be sharing every step of the process live with you.

June 18, Saturday

7:00 PM - 10:00 PM

ESLSCA University - Alex Desert rd. 6th of October, Cairo, Egypt, Egypt

Workshops Description

This is an intermediate level workshop, Koree will be teaching the creative process of how to create a setup from concept and capturing it using lights and other techniques to make this concept come to life. He will also share your vision via your lens. We will be having a live demonstration and you will get the chance to try out Sony’s latest gear.

Who Can Attend

Attendees must know basics of photography as its an intermediate level workshop & should bring their own SD cards to try out SONY cameras themselves.


What is the speaker going to speak about

Abdel Rahman Gabr-(Koree)

Korean Egyptian, born in Queens, New York. Filmmaker and a Photographer, Founder of Koree Films and Art and Creativity. Captures inspiring and engaging stories that serves as time capsule that connects historic culture with modern-day living.

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