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Shoot Outdoors using Strobes

Conducted by

Kashif Rashid

We will discuss what what strobes I use and when they are helpful .

October 25, Monday - November 10, Wednesday

Karachi, Pakistan

Workshops Description

We will discuss what what strobes I use and when they are helpful . I will talk about scenarios where it would be helpful to use a strabe and what difference does it make in the end image.

Who Can Attend

This is an online workshop so people who are not based in Pakistan can also view this video.


We will discuss what what strobes I use and when they are helpful . I will talk about scenarios where it would be helpful to use a strabe and what difference does it make in the end image.

Kashif Rashid

Always been passionate about photography and is a self-taught photographer. He got his first photography project doing fashion photography for a local designer back in 2007 and has never looked back.

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