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Capturing the Action: Commercial Sports Photography Workflow

Conducted by

Omar Zain

Omar will walk you through his latest track and field shoot, sharing his step-by-step process for a successful sports photography session with Maryam Deraz.

February 24, Monday - March 24, Monday

8:00 AM - 11:30 PM

AU, Egypt

Webinar Description

In this webinar Omar will walk you through his latest track and field shoot sharing his step by step process on how to conduct a successful sports photography shoot.

Who Can Attend



Omar will discuss pre production and how to prepare, tips needed on production day and finally will do a quick walk through the post production editor.

Omar Zain

Omar Zain is a commercial Sports Photographer based in Cairo, Egypt; yet roaming the world documenting victories and the births of others’ dreams. After 5 years of trying to balance between Engineering and Photography, Omar decided to pursue his passion for photography and embarked upon his own journey to fulfill his goal of creating one-of-a-kind sports content that spots the light on athletes. Throughout the past 5 years, he has collaborated with several reputable international brands including Adidas, Polar, Decathlon, Redbull, and Optimum Nutrition.