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Add Motion To Your Stills-GPW

Conducted by

Abdallah Sabry

Show casing how a dancer’s movement can be documented through pushing the medium of still images. Creating significations for the motion the dancer is expressing.

July 23, Saturday

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

TUB Campus - Mohamed Ibrahim Kamel St, Hurghada 2, Red Sea Governorate 84513, El Gouna - Red Sea, Egypt

Workshops Description

An image mechanically freezes its subject in time, but a photograph can communicate the movement beyond the moment it depicts–beyond, in a sense, of what it reveals. Photographically to what it evokes in the mind of the viewer. Viewers are able to see movement in details indicative of motion. In this demo, Sabry will explore why the difficulty of representing movement in still photography and how motion can be expressed through stills testing the photography as medium.

Who Can Attend

Portrait, Photographers


Learn how to include motion in your portrait photography to add more drama & emotion.

Abdallah Sabry

ABDALLAH SABRY has become a household name for portrait and fashion photography in Egypt. The mastermind behind BLACK CREATIVE STUDIOS has truly captivated the scene with an international vision and striking images that almost come to life.

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