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Crafting Visual Stories with Food Art and Photography

Conducted by

Haneefah Adam

Adesina Zaid

Get front row seats to experience how these professionals create the artistic masterpieces you’ve come to love from afar.

July 19, Wednesday

10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

The Pixxel Factory, 2/5 Idowu Ajao Street, Ajao Estate, Anthony Village, Nigeria

Workshops Description

Experience the harmonious blend of food art and photography in this hands-on workshop with renowned food artist, Haneefah and food/product photographer, Desina. During this unique class, you’ will discover the artistry of transforming everyday food into artistic creations while learning the techniques to capture their beauty through Sony’s lenses.

Who Can Attend

Youtubers, Creative artists, photographers


Colour science, creative visioning, light work in food photography

Haneefah Adam

Haneefah Adam, a Nigerian multidisciplinary artist, is internationally recognized for her food art and diverse portfolio spanning paintings, photography, sculptures, and installations, exploring themes of identity and culture. She won the #TechMeetsArt competition and collaborated with brands like Google and Nestle.

Adesina Zaid

Adesina Zaid is a renowned professional photographer specializing in food and product photography, with a decade of experience and notable brand collaborations. His meticulous attention to detail and passion for brand development establish him as a prominent figure in the Nigerian industry.